Guitar Pick Pet jewelry for collar with pewter paw charm.

This is a really fun Jewelry addition to embellish your pets collar. These Guitar Pick charms are available in several choices for the pick color. All the colors I have are listed in the drop down menu and displayed in the photo image.

This listing is for one individual pick and you can choose the color from the drop down menu.

The paw charm is pewter and I've used a heavy duty 18 gage jump ring to attach it and the pick to the lobster clasp which you just clip on to the ring on your pets collar. They are 1 1/2 inches long (3.8 cm)

The beautiful collie modeling is Jake. His human owns the Lovin' Oven Pet Bakery

This listing is for one item.

Guitar Pick Pet jewelry for collar with pewter paw charm. listed in:

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